Awareness is rising!
I have been thinking a lot about awareness and what it entails recently. I have realized that in the time we are living in, people are becoming more aware. It is not only about growth in finances but also spirituality. I have learned that you are grounded when you can make your work come from a place of spirituality. Money is energy. If you consider money a high-vibrating aspect, it will be that for you, regardless of what you do. However, I know that some of us are yearning for something more. Our intuition tells us to go more towards our spiritual practices or be divinity.
That divinity in you is calling you because your awareness is higher. Your intuition tells you that you are much more than you believe to be. In times like this, I think being grounded is how you can feel yourself being uplifted to that higher power within you.
Grounding to Mother Earth has been shown to eliminate stress significantly, but it only helps you in worldly aspects. It helps your soul. In the beginning, when you start, you might not feel the divinity right away, but as you continue, you will feel different. You will feel more energized, for one thing, and you will also start getting in touch with yourself again.
Many studies have shown the benefits of grounding, but spiritually speaking; it helps you find who you are and helps you with all your endeavors. Go outside barefoot and sit in the grass, even in the cold, not for too long. Two minutes is good enough. Stand or sit barefoot underneath a tree and imagine your bottom connecting to the tree's roots. And lastly, take in the sun. Could you close your eyes and soak it all up?
I hope these steps will make you consider going out and grounding yourself. No matter what you are dealing with—work, Business, Health, or Sickness—grounding is so potent. Nature has provided us with abundant nature; take advantage of it.
Rabail Velani