In simple words...
Words can be simple to still evoke the everlasting feeling. A sentence that is made up of simple words, yet they last forever. That is how I feel about words.
Words are beautiful but they don’t have to be complicated to be beautiful. They came simply be. Being a writer and a person that is absolutely in love with words, I often sit and write sentences that merge to create unforgettable stories. The power of words is large.
However, if you are someone that is drawn to writing beautiful language, then go right ahead, but to be impactful it doesn’t always have to be beautifully written. Some of my writings that I don’t share with anyone are the most beautifully, lyrically written. However, they sometimes just seem like words interlaced together and nothing else. I often love reading books with beautiful words. Sometimes I read only for the words, the feelings they evoke within me.
I am one of those writers that thinks about words all day long. I create stories all day long with words that I keep changing over and over again, until it sounds juicy yet meaningful. That is why writing is a form of art. You are creating words that lead into stories by emerging letters together that turn into words and leading up to sentences.
I turned forty not too long ago, and with maturity comes mature writing, and with that also fearlessness comes. We often think that children and teenagers are fearless and that the fearlessness goes away as they grow older. However, that is not entirely true. I think we become fearless as we mature. We are more open to portray our life and show it to people around us.
We are more confident in our skin to talk about our work or whatever it is that is close to us. It can be anything from writing to painting nude pictures. I am a person who writes during the day but whenever I decide to write at night time, my writing is more raw. It is more truthful and meaningful. I don’t know why, but writing during the daylight when we have energy vs. writing in the night, when we are depleted of energy, makes a very big difference.
I am extremely grateful to be able to write. I am grateful that words are what my profession is. I am grateful that I get to think about words all day long and change people's lives through my writing. I know that not everyone's reading choices are the same, but I do know that someone who loves words like I do, just reading anything they can put their eyes on. From billboards to the back of an air freshener bottle (guilty, indeed). I overthink words and books and sometimes when the book is good enough, the words sit with me for a very long time, until I find another book that captures my heart. Recently, I went to a bookshop in Boulder and I browsed for the longest time, reading pages and pages of different books to find which one brings up the feeling that I want to feel at that very moment. I think hanging out at a bookstore is fairly sexy.
The way people get lost in the imaginative world is quite sexy. The way they contemplate reading material is something that fascinates me. I am a person who really enjoys people watching and my favorite place to do that is in Paris, and the second being book shops. I can tell when someone is there to buy a book for themselves vs. for someone else.
Words tend to make people vulnerable. Their emotions are heightened and
they can relate. We all write and read to relate. To find someone that can really understand what we are trying to say. Sometimes we learn true writing and sometimes within some other characters.
Being an author, one thing I often notice in myself is that writing makes me
vulnerable, it makes me authentic, maybe because I meditate through writing. When I am writing, I am aware. During my writing sessions, I am not distracted or thinking about time, I am just writing. I am creating sentences and at times like that you have to be aware. Lately my reading picks have been French Literature. Maybe because I am so fond of Paris and their intimacy that I find it pouring through their words. From classics to more modern literature, they
all are books that make you think and make you feel so present. Every time I read French literature I am taken to Paris, sitting at Jardin de Luxembourg, reading away not having a care in the world.
That being said, I do think that words can be simple or profound, but they should be something you should understand. You should love what you read. Because once you find what works for you, you will become an avid reader.
In society nowadays, I think reading is so important for it makes you extremely grounded. So get lost amidst the words that are then turned into sentences, leading to another set of sentences. Write down your own words, you never have to share it if you don’t, please too, but try writing for yourself. It can be anything from something that turns you off to someone you met at the subway and can’t stop thinking about or simply because you want to bitch about something, any way, but writing will release all that mind chatter as a form of brain dump.
Now the choice is yours if you want to write for yourself or not. Start by using simple words, and then once your confidence arouses, you can move to more intricate words and sentences. That is when writing will be your way of worshipping, it will be your way of living. You will start to come to your pages more often to write about what doesn’t make sense to you, so that by writing it down, it starts making sense. It can be at any age, you show up to write as long as you write. I have found many studies that show that every successful person has some kind of writing in their routine. Hopefully these people are writing long hand rather than depending on their laptops.
Hope this post ignites writing within you. Hope to see you soon between the pages.
Au Revoir!