Maybe you are missing that one thing:

Maybe you are missing that one thing:

Become best friends with your brain. I recently have been reading David Goggins Book, Can’t Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odd. This book is really powerful. However, although his ways are a little bit rough for me, I did get a lot out of his book. I learned how to control my mind, how to let go of stupid excuses that aren’t serving anyone and how to simply say no to what is not bringing you closer to who you want to be.


I love reading and lately there has been a lot of nonfiction. Being someone who is very much drawn to the spiritual community, this book really got me thinking about manifestation. Whatever you want in your life, it is you who is stopping yourself from achieving it. No matter what it is: More likes on YouTube, A smokin' hot body, money, money, a better home, a better car, or even moving out of the country, whatever it is, it is in your hand. However, I have seen people get so wrapped up in the manifestation and obsessing about what they want, they forget that blissfulness lies on the other side of fear.


Fear has us strapped to our chair, although we want to do so much out in the world. This book taught me to get over my fear. That everything is in my head. I need to show up for myself every day.

Every day when you show up for your day, it's like a domino effect. But the amazing thing is, it's in all areas of your life then, not only that one. For instance, let's say your goals are to hit the gym, work on your business, go to work, read a book, and eat healthy meals. Well, if you start by just incorporating one of those things. Let’s say you start your day by going to the gym. That will lead you to your other good habit and in no time you will have created a domino effect. But let’s say you don’t go to the gym and then you don’t eat healthy, well now you have created a domino effect negatively. So you see, it all depends on you. Make your mind so strong that you can bypass all the excuses.


There are several quotes that I loved from this book but the one that stood out the most is from Chapter 3: “ I thought about my own life devoid of any drive and passion, but I knew if I continued to surrender to my fear and feelings of inadequacy, I would be allowing them to dictate my future forever. “


The reason I resonated with the quote is that as simply as it is written, it is so deep. We often give into our fear, and that leads us to feeling inadequate about ourselves. But for once, if you fight with yourself and get over that fear. Showing up regardless of it, you will have a huge impact. For instance, ever since I moved to Colorado, I have had the fear of driving in the snow and that fear led me to not driving when it snows a lot, which left me having to depend on my husband to drop and pick up the girls from school. However, once I started showing up even with the fear, the fear got the point, that I ain’t going anywhere so it just stopped showing up and now I cruise all over my town in snow.

Another one of my discomforts is the gym. I for some reason feel like the gym was not a place for me. I always made excuses of not going because I was not comfortable with it. But I started going daily, even if it was to walk around the track. Going to the gym brought so many more new opportunities. However, it is another domino effect.

My excuses were the elevation in Estes Park that gave me headaches, my Gilbert’s syndrome, but this book made me realize that these were all excuses that were hindering my growth. They were hindering my manifestation. In fact, I took on a 75 soft challenge to challenge myself to go every day. Even if I am traveling, I will show up to workout every day.


Nothing is impossible. If you can visualize it, you can do it! Take on a crazy challenge and don’t doubt yourself. Work out hard and work out until your legs are jelly. Whatever it is, show up until you hit max. When you are done, that feeling…. Oh man, there is nothing like it. So do a challenge. If food is something you are trying to control, then I suggest something like Whole30, Keto, or whatever it is that rocks your boat. Stop drinking sugary drinks and alcohol. Don’t take baby steps, go all in. like I mentioned before, it can be anything. Even meditation. You can put yourself on a meditation soft 75 and show up to meditate everyday, and feel invigorating or buy a journal and journal in the morning and before bed. That too will develop your brain skills that will lead you to not make excuses anymore. Excuses will stop knocking at your door once you have taken your power away from it.


Another one of my suggestions will be that you work on your confidence and self-image as you are changing your reality. Why? Because being confident and having a positive self-image is the biggest key in your success. So get a journal,  make a shitty list of all of your excuses. It will be brutal. Write them all down and now look at them all and see how they are hindering your growth, your manifestation. Once you see the link, then you need to find ways you can diminish your fears of whatever that is you are avoiding, and you get to work. You work like a beast, you work like you are unstoppable.

So there you go. Hope this helps you.

If you have not gotten David Goggins' book, I suggest you go buy it, and if you wish, you can start a 75-day soft challenge yourself, and please keep me in the loop, I would love to hear about your progress.

Until next time, Au Revoir!


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