The stillness of mountains...
Life is quiet here in the mountains.
Although my town does get busy from time to time, where I live it is very quiet.
I have the majestic views of the mountains, and often they are showing me how to live with stillness. I cherish these mountains for they have taught me who I am.
Yes, being something that loves traveling and loves Paris, I cannot overlook the beauty I live in.
I have a 360 view of the mountains. Our little town where we go for a walk in at least 2-3 times a week has its intimate appeal.
Being someone who loves Paris and lives a city life, I will always call this place home. No matter where I live in the world, Estes Park will always be home. For many reasons, but the largest reason being that it taught me who I am.
It taught me the meaning of silence. It taught me to love animals and appreciate nature and how to truly love myself. Sometimes getting away to the mountains is what we all need.
Hello, my name is Rabail Velani. I am the author of Oh, Wondrous Soul.
Being a writer and living my dream, I often forget to appreciate living in the mountains. I often forget that I have the best view from anywhere I am sitting in my home. I just look out the window and I see the mountains.
I especially love them in the winter, covered in snow. It looks like I am inside a snow globe. I am trying to start my coaching and guiding journey, along with writing, I get caught up in the busy life.
However, the slowness of the mountains brings me all of my work with ease. No traffic jams, no hustle bustle, no waiting in the school pick up line for hours, just pure slowness. If you have not heard the saying that mountain time is slow, let me assure you that it really is.
However, that slowness is not a bad thing. I often see people trying to slow down in city life, but I am actually living in that setting. It is in this steady calmness that I can truly be who I desire to be. As I am writing right now, I can hear an owl. It is bright daylight and I thought owls were night animals, but I do hear it. It is this kind of magic that I experience here.
Sometimes I look out the windows and see a deer or an elk staring in my direction. Trying to figure me out as I am them.
Someone that loves the noise and bustle of city life, I cannot discredit the mountains for they bring so many stories of their own.
On most days I am very well aware of my self-concept, of what my role is in the world, and how I am to go about it. That being said, I feel like I am at that stage in my life where I don’t mind the inspiration from others and people watching.
This is not me discrediting the mountains, it’s me saying that I have the mountains, now I want the city. I am not one of those who likes boxing herself up or dreaming small. I dream big but I manifest big also.
There are days that I carry this longing in my heart and I don’t believe that longing is bad. I think it’s empowering. It makes me think bigger and want more.
To manifest one key is to let it go. Surrender it to the higher power knowing that you will get what your heart desires.
However, that longing doesn’t get filled. It is this bittersweet feeling that you wander around within your heart. Longing brings me closer to nature. How you may ask? Longing brings a sense of holding the things you have closer.
Therefore, being in nature, I really admire and am in such gratitude that I can experience it every day.
Alright, this is it for today. Hope you enjoy this part of my world just like I do.
From my majestic world to yours.
Au Revoir!