There is so much magic around you, step into it. Don’t push it, don’t doubt it!

There is so much magic around you, step into it. Don’t push it, don’t doubt it!

We often forget that we have magic around us. We forget that we are magic. Instead we doubt ourselves, we push it away and then we end up sitting and wondering what happened.  Rather if you just concentrate on the magic that is within you, your life will be blissful. I am sure I have said this many times but you are the creator of your destiny. Therefore, create magic by looking at the magic. Create happiness by looking at the happy moments. There have been times that I have forgotten about the magic around me focusing on something that is distant. That is not the right way to manifest. In fact, you will manifest more suffering. In order to manifest you should be happy now. You should live as if you already have what you want and that can only be done with your energy levels being uber high.


I think the time we live in is so important to become aware of your thoughts. It is so important to become aware of how you talk to yourself. The world is shifting and consciousness is shifting, therefore the way we think should shift also. Those days are gone where you would focus on the negative or keep your energy low for someone. That now, sounds extremely insane to me. I always have thought that even if there is a loved one around me that has a negative energy and I am vibrating high, they will just meet me there. I won't bring my sparkle down for anyone and you shouldn’t either.


So the way you find the magic is by keeping your energy high. Start every morning by waking up and being grateful. That is the best way to start your morning. You don’t have to write it down, you just have to be grateful consciously. Try it for a couple of days and see the shifts it brings in your life. Regardless of being a stay at home mom or working corporate or running your own business, you can always be appreciative of so much in your life. I know many people that work corporate and love it and are extremely appreciative for what they have. That appreciation is what brings your energy up, makes you grateful, and in turn makes your life magical. Sometimes these habits seem simple but are hard to do. I suggest starting slow. Start by waking up and being grateful for simply waking up. That in itself is a big blessing. As your day progresses be conscious of your gratitude attitude and that will lead you to many manifestations. Many people think that in order to manifest you need to take actions, for me being grateful is taking action. Being appreciative is taking action. Complimenting someone and making their day is action.


As I have mentioned before, I live in the mountains and I am extremely appreciative of it. There are days that are hard for me because I feel lonely at times. However, I try to enjoy the journey. Why? Because if the journey is going to be amazing, so is the destination. We are not meant to live in one place. Therefore, I know that my journey is vital to my living. I know that intuitively I am not meant to be in one place for too long. Many people think that when you get older you should create roots, my thinking is that you should leave your footsteps everywhere. However, that being said I am always appreciative of where I am now. I love my home, I love my ethereal mornings and I love our golden hour, when there's a light breeze in the air and the sun is setting and shining on my face. There is nothing that makes me feel more alive than that.


So what is it that you are appreciative of? What is it that makes you immensely grateful? How are you going to step into your magic?

Leave a comment and let me know.

Until next time, Au Revoir!




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